What We Offer
Cockatiels are one of the best pet birds someone can have. They are very loving and will love going to anyone if hand fed. They are easy to care for and make for a great family pet.
Love birds are a great bird to have because of how amazing the color is on these birds. They come in a variety of colors such as green, yellow, some have white faces or pink faces. They have a personality that makes them very distinct from other pets that some people will love.
Finches are a small type of bird that are very active and are a great pet bird for people who want to try having a pet bird. They are also good for younger teenagers who want more than a fish to take care of and can be great for learning responsibility.
Parakeets are a very friendly type of bird who loves energy and always love to play with a lot of toys. They make a great pet for those who want a bird that may be a little larger than a finch. They also have a personality that makes them unique as well.
Doves make for a great pet for those who want a calm bird. These birds are a very peaceful and friendly bird that can be held just like cockatiels with enough training. These birds are also make for a great addition if you want to add some quiet family members.